Weekly News Post #13

Trump the Least Racist Person?

Painting by Haitian artist Walter Mere

The supposed leader of America denies he's a racist after reports state that he described immigrants from Haiti and African countries as coming from "s***hole countries" on Sunday 14th January. Donald Trump took presidency little under a year ago, after announcing his candidacy on July 16th 2015. Within the short period Trump has been under political power, he has always been a controversial character and often taken to his favourite social media platform, Twitter, to share is questionable thoughts and ideas with the world, to which they've generally been loved by alt right Nazis, and people who believe that to make 'America great again', a wall should be built, and hated by everyone else.

The most recent controversial remark Trump has made is referring to immigrants from Haiti and African countries as coming from "s***hole countries" has lead South Africa to formally protest the remarks. As stated by CNN, "South Africa will issue a diplomatic protest to the United Sates Monday over US President Donald Trump's "shithole countries" comment according to its foreign ministry". The remark has have caused backlash from Twitter and society- especially Haitian and African communities. Following the criticism, Trump denied being a racist and even claimed, quite boldly, that he's "the least racists person"- this claim coming from a man who once referred to a Hispanic Miss Universe as 'Miss Housekeeping'.

Donald Trump has no ground to stand on when claiming one's self to not be racist after all of his nonsense demoting anyone not white (and American)- and the fact that his political campaign literally only depended on privileged and uneducated Americans sharing the same ignorant mind set as the clueless president. Personally, I believe that Trump has again only proven to the world that he is a terrible leader, but small minded idiots will carry on believing on every single word he utters.

The article published by the Guardian about the topic represents Trump negatively, probably due to the newspaper having a left wing stance in politics, and Trump being rather right winged. The article only gives quotes from Trump himself, and from people who criticises Trump's comments and believe he is racist- which he insists he's not.

The Guardian. (2018). Trump insists 'I am the least racist person' as outrage over remarks continues . Available: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/15/i-am-not-a-racist-trump-says-after-backlash-over-shithole-nations-remark. Last accessed 15th Jan 2018.


  1. Very passionate in your politics Tegan, I believe that you need to ensure that your formatting of the writing makes chronological sense, you seem to have put your conclusion in the penultimate paragraph. Try and ensure that your opinion is only one element of the piece, demonstrate that you can present both sides of the argument.

  2. You make some good points here. you've used lots of quotes to illustrate your point. However as this is weekly news more emphasis should be put on the article you are talking about and the position that it puts across. Also it is easy to refer to all Trump supporters as idiots. while i don't disagree I think its important to also maintain a reasonable composure. Don't lower yourself to their standards. Fight with logic not insults.


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