Weekly News Post #2

Norway, women football teams to be paid the same as male football teams

In the sports world, Norway have announced that both female and male players will earn the same amount of money, for representing the country. With the amount paid to the women's team almost doubling to 6m krone (£574,540) from 3.1m (£296,845) which includes money paid to the male players for advertising (bbc news).

Many female athletes are thankful for this movement with Caroline Graham Hansen commenting "For you to say that equal pay is how it should be, makes me want to cry. It makes me want to hug you all" in a post on Instagram.

Joachim Walltin believes that this is the first kind of deal like this to happen in the sporting world

step forward for women and pay equality, although in Denmark there is still negotiations happening and in the United States, there had ben improvements.

This step forward in the sporting world is enlightening for women all over the wold and brings hope to the issue of pay equality. Although this seems a small step, it will hopefully conceive major improvements of in same manor in other sports and in society as a whole.

BBC News. (2017). Norway will pay their male and female football teams the same. Available: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/41539846?ocid=socialflow_twitter. Last accessed 8th Oct 2017.


  1. I like that you have included pictures to show the reader what you're talking about. You've got quite a bit of content in here and you are comparing men and women pay. You've also gone into detail and explained the topic quite well and you have included the source to allow the reader to read the full story if they want to.

  2. Your post was clear as it talks about pay equality in sports between men and women. You used examples of each team and to show they are both equal. Maybe include your own opinion.

  3. This is really good as you have used statistics and left a reference. You also included your opinion at the end.

  4. This brings light to the issues that women face in the sporting industry compared to men and has interesting content.

  5. I like how you've used pictures to show what your talking about. You've given quite a bit of content and your opinion on how you feel about the subject. There isn't really any criticisms maybe write a but more about the stuff you've read other than that good job


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