Weekly News Post #6

Former Welsh MP Takes His Own Life

Carl Sargeant was found dead four days after being removed from his job as MP on November 3rd, with the understanding that he took his own life, with no further details being available. The former MP was recently removed from the cabinet with Sargeant saying he wanted an independent investigation "to allow me to clear my name", following allegations about his personal conduct: although the specifics of these allegations have not been published, it's believed the allegations are of a sexual nature.

Sargeant seemed to agree with the decision to remove him from cabinet and had hoped to return back to government after being cleared from the allegations. Understandably, his family and fellow MPs are devastated over the news of his death, and his family have called for a full investigation in to how the allegations against Sargeant were handled as they believe he wasn't given natural justice.

In today's society, sexual natured allegations are becoming more and more common- especially against people with higher statuses and reputations. Its questioned whether these accusations are genuine or a ploy to gain attention or ruin someone's reputation. If theses accusations are genuine, are more people willing to come forwards with their story due to the issue becoming less of a taboo and although it still happens, victims aren't be shamed by the media or friends and family and they're actually being listened to? or do victims sharing their stories to show how big of a common problem sexual natured assaults are? Either way, this kind of story exposes the hole is society where sexual assault and sexual harassment is still a massive issue that needs to be recognised and preferable sorted out. 

Watts, Joe. (2017). Ex-Welsh minister Carl Sargeant found dead four days after being sacked over 'shocking and distressing' allegations. Available: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/carl-sargeant-dead-welsh-assembly-childrens-minister-sexual-harassment-claims-sacked-fired-died-dies-a8041936.html. Last accessed 7th Nov 2017.


  1. Although this is a very sad incident that took place, it does bring light to the "undercover" issues that take place within the government.


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