Weekly News Post #3


Currently on Twitter, the hashtag 'me too' is trending, in which hundreds of people are tweeting about and/or telling the world about their own personal sexual harassment and assault stories. This hashtag craze has come about after more allegations about Harvey Weinstein have risen, and he argues that they were all consensual. Two dozen women have accused Weinstein of sexual harassment including celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow. The twitter hashtag is booming with people tweeting there support to victims, for instance within the last half and hour, 931 tweets have been uploaded to the cause.

Many brave men and women, have taken to the social media platform to express their annoyance and hurt with the issues of sexual harassment and sexual assault and how society often ignores these problems or unjustly blames the victims. The fact that this hashtag exists is honestly appalling, people should not have to feel like they have to turn to a social media platform fall of strangers to express how they feel and say their stories because their friends and family will not understand or they feel too ashamed to tell their loved ones about what has happened. People are literally turning to strangers to cope with their experiences and to feel accepted.

Although societies ignorance belittles this problem, even going as far as refusing to acknowledge the problem, the hashtag shows the problem to be very real and demands acknowledgement as victims should not have to suffer being degraded and lose control of their own body in such a manor.


  1. This is very well written and heart warming that people are standing up for such a cause.


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