Representation of women in Headhunters

Representation of women in Headhunters

Although in the film Headhunters, women only make brief appearances, the representations of them are significant. Only three women appear in the whole film and each of them are introduced in a sexual manor, or represent women in a way suggesting women are manipulative, or useable tools used by men in order for personal gain.

The protagonists wife, Diana is the first woman presented as demanding     owns an art gallergy and Roger constantly buys her expensive gifts suggesting she's materialistic and maybe is only with Roger for her own personal gain. Diana is presented as being demanding as seems to give Roger grief. Contrastingly, we see that Diana wants to start a family and perhaps actually loves Roger presenting the only positive representation on women in the entire film. However, Diana is revealed to be cheating on Roger which only informs another negative representation on women

Lotte is the second woman in the film, is Roger Brown's mistress. Lotte is first introduced with her having sex with Roger, afterwards Lotte brings up the idea of them to going to diner together to which Roger becomes enraged and decides to break it off with her. This interaction presents the idea that women can just be objects used for someone else's purpose, generally sexual. The idea than women are just tools for other purposes is continued when it's revealed that Lotte was only used as a diversion, creating the idea that women are manipulative. Furthermore, after the split, Lotte becomes almost obsessive and vulnerable as she throws herself over Roger in an attempt to get back with him, this represents the idea that women need men in their lives and can be deranged psychos.

The final woman character is Natasja, a Russian prostitute. This particular character only exists for the sole purpose of satisfying a man. Natasja represents the idea that women can be brought in order to fulfil and give pleasure to men.


  1. Teghan this is informative and pushes all the right button, unfortunately it lacks a conclusion. Going forward conclude your point so that the reader has an overview of the topics discussed. Use you opinion or that of others to suggest why you believe the women in the film represent negatively.


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