

Breathe is an incredible film portraying the life of Robin Cavendish who after contracted polio leaving him paralysed from the neck down. This film beautifully shows how Robin Cavendish overcame this hardship, and many other, and changed the disabled society in 1960s Britain.

This film is certain to leave people feeling very emotional and cause many to shed tears (much like oneself) as the way the film is directed and the story is told allows for the audiences to connect to the film alongside the characters effectively. The film raises awareness about polio, hence why the screening was introduced by Eve Conway, (Vice Chairman of Rotary International's End Polio Now...) and challenges faced by those who are severely disabled, especially in the time period the film is set in.

Jonathan Cavendish, who is not only the producer of the film, but also the son of Robin Cavendish followed the screening of the film with a Q&A where he revelled more about his and his families life, but also about the actual film, in which he enclosed his mother also contracted polio whilst in Africa, but fortunately was not life threatening, and quickly overcame the disease (which is thought to be due to the fact she was pregnant).


  1. Good analysis of the film and I like how you've spoke about how it made you feel. You have given us a lot of information about the film and what told us what your thoughts of it.


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